Crate timeago

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Given a Duration, lossily format it like in ‘N days ago’.

Parsing it back to Duration is not supported yet (See chrono-english crate).

Multiple languages are supported though Language trait. Enable isolang feature to gain support of getting Language impl from lsolang::Language.

You can configure minimum and maximum time units, as well as “precision” of how many items to emit.

Fractional results like “1.5 days ago” are not supported.

There is a special simplified version to get compact 5-character representation: format_5chars.

The main item of timeago is Formatter.



  • A collection of natural languages supported out-of-the-box for the formatting.


  • Main formatter struct. Build it with new() and maybe modify some options, then use convert.


  • StyleDeprecated
    Simple formatting style for deprecated format.
  • Various units of time to specify as maximum or minimum. Note that calculations are approximate, not calendar-based.


  • Interface for connecting natural languages to use for the formatting See “language” module documentation for details.


  • formatDeprecated
    Do the formatting. See Style’s docstring for formatting options. If you need just simple mode without bloated featureful implementation, use version 0.0.2 of this crate
  • A simplified formatter, resulting in short strings like “02Yea” or “ now “ or “07min”. Designed to always give 5-character strings.

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